Raising the OC Bar

CLA SoCal History

September 26, 2023 Orange County Bar Association Season 1 Episode 2
CLA SoCal History
Raising the OC Bar
Show Notes Chapter Markers

Current and former leaders of Community Legal Aid SoCal and other key players discuss the genesis of the organization and its work in serving the legal needs of low-income people in Orange County and beyond from the 1958 to the present. 

OCBA’s role in the genesis of CLA SoCal
Relationship between CLA SoCal and OCBA over the years
The Lawyers’ Wives
CLA SoCal’s staffing, services, and sources of funding in the 1970s and beyond
Revenue sharing and other sources of funding
CLA SoCal purchases its own buildings
Patricia Herzog
CLA SoCal’s work in the 1980s, creation of IOLTA, and role in creation of Equal Access Fund
Amicus Publico
Impact of Legal Services Corporation rules on CLA SoCal
CLA So Cal creates I-CAN! E-File program
CLA SoCal partners with the OC Superior Court on self-help legal services for the poor
Impact litigation by CLA SoCal
CLA SoCal today and vision for the future