Raising the OC Bar

PLC History

September 26, 2023 Orange County Bar Association Season 1 Episode 1
Show Notes Chapter Markers

Current and former leaders of The Public Law Center discuss the genesis of the organization, its growth over the years, and its impact in providing free legal services to low-income residents in Orange County since 1981.

PLC’s beginning
PLC established from merger of Amicus Publico and OCPILA
Balancing the dual missions of the PLC (impact litigation vs individual case placement)
PLC’s response to homeless sweep in Santa Ana in the early 90s
Justice Trotter’s role in the genesis of PLC
Funding of PLC
Impact of LSC restrictions
Scott Wylie’s early years with the PLC
OCBA helps PLC secure its own building
OCBA’s mission of assisting the community
PLC as an incubator
OCBA Charitable Fund
The growth of PLC
PLC’s Future
One last story